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" The golden proportion "

 During human history the measures of length (up to the 10-th of December, 1799, when the artificial measure of length was introduced) were always closely connected with a man: step, sazhen, heap, span, foot, inch, yard... (The last, for example, was introduced in 1101 by the decree of English king Henry I and was equal to the distance between the point of his majesty's nose and the end of the middle finger of his stretched hand). So, "the golden proportion" was arithmetically understood by the theory of Renaissance: as the modulus must be laid whole quantity of times (exactly) at every part of the architectural structure. Thus, at the architectural theory were permitted only rational proportions, the relations of the whole numbers. So, the irrational proportions were impossible. This conviction was supported by the fact that as we know, since Pythagorean period the whole relations of the intervals were predominating in music.
 But the masterpieces of the ancient architecture concern themselves to the opposite: ancient proportions are based on the irrational relations!
 How did these "illogical numbers" appeared, elevating miraculously divine constructions? The architect would reply: "by the means of geometric formations". Of course, he wouldn't be mistaken at the case, but would have to go through all "the labyrinth of madness" to understand existential depth of holy geometry.

 My old and wise Granny was blind. Through the turbid milieu of the darkness she could still see contours of moving bodies, so she could see the light. In other words she saw just the light from the world that surrounds us. It's said that one can teach a man when he or she loves him. So any studies can be passed only within this level of emotions. We can make a conclusion that the essence of geometry is love!

 Human relations don't differ from their daily activity. All the kinds of our activities affect on different spheres of our life, as the sort of activity can form our body, developing one's muscles or deforming the construction of the skeleton, etc. We can say that everyone of us has a chance to become an architect. The only thing that he or she needs for it is love. To love means to enjoy deeper and deeper, saving our positive emotions, transforming the object of our love. We don't need to know psychology or physiology to make it, but we extremely need the participation of healthy human society, because the society itself forms the psychological climate, where the individual exists. How can we set "the golden proportion" at the noosphere, in the mental space of society? How can we find a key to a harmony in human relations? It seems that all the politicians are occupied by this business, representatives of culture and other people want to find this "golden proportion". And I'll dare to name the formula of that proportion as "the orgasm", nothing else. Thus I'll try to inculcate this new formula in the construction of hypothetical structure.

 It's known that the ordinary compass (or a cord) was the basis working tool of the ancient and medieval architect. Famous German theorist Messel's method of proportioning was based on tenfold division of circumference. After division of the circumference to ten parts we can get all the set of the exact proportion section. The main vertical lines of Parfenon are approximately at "the golden proportion". Messel's approach to proportioning of Parfenon is original, but very disputable at every aspect, except one - mathematical.

 Thus, the fixation of every operation of proportionality I call "the orgasm". The speculative question appears: What is this "degradation" of science for? The orgasm is the culmination of the sexual act, not its completion. It's the peak and explosive reaction of depressions, accumulated during sexual excitement. As it's known, every excitement, connected with the sexual aspect of our life, is the impulse of development of our imagination. Orgasm destroys the illusory mirage, giving the real opportunity to communicate with the object, that excites our imagination. As if we destroyed flat mirrors and got the ability to enter complex reality. The orgasm isn't the goal of the sexual act, course it's only the bridge that connects two partners into one body of love. So the point of golden point or section isn't the goal of the geometric construction, but the tool, the matrix of creation.

 Let's suppose, that love is symbolized by the ocean, and the humanity is occupied by learning it. If the navigation and ships didn't exist, man could never study the depth and content of the ocean. In this case the ship symbolizes the moment of orgasm.
 If we, artists and scientists, collectively began to introduce terminology from one sphere to another: from psychology and sexology to architecture and mathematics, by means of it we could bring to life basics of all sciences and people could be interested at it, inspired by the creative energy. Then the ignorant person could be insured against the disparagement. Everyone could dispute with the scientist leaning on the experience. And only in dispute the ignoramus can really realize his imperfection. Then he would turn to the scientist with great pleasure, cause they would have common language of science, that transmit different emotions.
 The language of the ancient priests was absolutely scientific - it was a symbolic language of myths and parables. They didn't separate emotions from logical perception, they didn't dissect spiritual body of a man. Ancient temples were built exactly on the basis of that holy language. It's the language of the noblest science - alchemy. Alchemy lost its golden attire and past glory after the invasion of new attractive stream into European culture. The culture of Renaissance was dictated by the banal reality, according to the caprice of new forming bourgeoisie. Volter and Lessing did their best to destroy true spirituality in Europe. As the last singer of ancient harmony we can mention Nicola Pussen. Theme of romanticism began to be dictate new shapes of harmony in music by Mendelssohn and Schubert. It seemed that the art got the new impulse of lyrics and emotions, and the national tales were revived. But then nobody of those who pursued the luxury of shapes could overlook that such a parallels like art and science would begin to move away from each other. And nobody started to sing the song in honor of the fatal separation of the king (science) and queen (art).

 Present chemist scoffs at the feelings of ancient sage alchemists, without who chemistry itself couldn't appear. The epoch of Renaissance brought a lot of troubles to the world, politicized all the spheres of life, religion, economics and culture. Ignorant materialism spread lechery and hatred all over the world. The mankind will have to suffer for a long time before it cleans the world from this ideological dirt. It were the "educators", who realized the desacralization of the civilization, liquidated eroticism from the society. At the result was born a new culture, rather anticulture, which brought new pornographic coloring. At the literary milieu appeared a new branch, that had great negative consequences such as lampoon and journalistic press. The pornographic personages were obviously dominating at the art, having nothing in common with ancient sensuality. Science transformed into enormous book-keeping, that served to the interests of their masters-politicians. Politicians couldn't develop spirituality inside themselves in such an atmosphere. It seemed like all the humanity was doomed on general degradation. The twentieth century, that included two awful at all senses wars reminds the awkward situation, similar to orgasm. The ancient symbol of Phoenix, who rises from the ashes, symbolizes well the orgasm. After the orgasm, as after the storm, everything comes to harmony, all the elements dissolve one into another, solidarity celebrates. The epoch of Renaissance was only a parody on the ancient world before its entrance into the new world. But the new world can't be built on the base of parody and caricature, on the destructive principles of death. The new world is the restoration of the ancient one after the recovery from the illness of the civilization.

 The ancient man was striving for the wealth because it was a symbol of divine presence, a hint to eternity. Our ancestors were never in a hurry to develop, to become civilized, they were very busy with feelings, with dreams on immersion into the ecstasy. That's why priests had a weighty authority in front of their eyes. When the priests lost their authority, the stream of pseudo-scientists, rogueries and jugglers gushed into the society. During hundreds of years several persons are creating original ideas and then the legions of rogueries, who envy the laurels of that martyrs, realize these ideas. Our civilization still remains in a state of orgasm, in the process of destruction and distortion of ancient images.
 Ecstasy and orgasm are absolutely different states of soul: the first is the understanding of the macrocosm and the second - of the microcosm. Of course, the second is the model of the first, but the model isn't the original. At the ecstasy disappear all the borders between the body and the space, at the orgasm - between inner organs of the body. Golden proportion, that embodies the moment of fixation of the orgasm of the sexual act, and the ecstasy of life, are the graphic symbols of the recovery of vision. It's the corner stone of the architects of all the times. It's named golden only because it attract attention of all greedy people. And among them, at the whirlwind of passions, we can always find a good pupil, who requires ecstasy.

 Gothic temples were built not only for the transmission of ancient knowledge, but for approaching man to the ecstasy by enlarging his reserved imagination. It was the attempt to save man from the degradation, to open pearl shell in his heart. Who, if not a blind, evaluated the light as jewel? To described it as Homer did, with all the compositional details, unreal poetic emotionality, it's necessary to be blind. In short, works by Homer were created in the state of ecstasy. Not in vain Alexander The Great took "Iliad" to all his campaigns: as he was realizing all the epic by Homer, accomplishing synthesis of two cultures - eastern and western.

 We can compare orgasm with four seasons, so brief and insignificant. Of course, those moments cosmically are very important, but they are ignorant in comparison with the ecstasy. Ecstasy is the state of unity and integrity of the nature. If we compare it with some work, then the ecstasy is the composition, and the orgasm is the proportional combination. Orgasm is the door into the world of the ecstasy, into the temple of love. It's the least and inoffensive pleasure at our life, which requires nothing but sensitivity. We can find many in few - the ecstasy, widening the sphere of our sensitivity till the state of super sensitivity.
 Every masterpiece of human culture shows the image of ecstatic state. The knowledge of art critic is worth nothing at all without his ability to endure the ecstasy. This case all his knowledge is dead and negative. It's just a parody and caricature on the true knowledge, similar to the mathematics, that is taught in modern schools. Until a man can't see the whole thing, can't see the beauty of the ecstasy, there is no sense to learn proportions.

 We can't teach a man to see, but we can treat his sight to make him free from the prejudices. At the same time we can do it only if we love this person. If man has a sight of ecstasy, there is a sense to learn proportions with no risk to be terminated at the whirlwind of the emotions. Then the trained brain will have the ability to control his feelings. I call this knowledge "the knowledge of the point". Symbolically we can understand the point as the orgasm, but to add the pleasant tinge, we'll call it "the golden point". I do repeat: the orgasm is the key for the cognition of microcosm, and the ecstasy - of macrocosm. Here we collide with inside light, when the point enlarges till the infinity, forming the rhythmic waves of love breath. "The macrocosm point" forms in brain, and "the microcosm point" - in heart. Until we don't free our mind from prejudices, including fear and nerves, we can't open "golden point" in our hearts. In alchemy this process was called distillation.

 The concept of proportion, as the geometric doctrine establishes, is, first of all, the category of existence, and only after the method of mathematical discussion. The artist manages to reach it with the speed of ray, the science comes to it by the way of discussion and abstraction.


 Art constitutes  a subjective  aspect of  human  creativity,  science - an  objective one.

 In the interior  an artist and a  scientist sign  a peaceful  agreement for  ever!