Design Interior
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Respectable visitors of my site!

I'm very grateful to you for the attention you paid on my works, that's why I think it's my debt to present you as the gratitude "the aroma of thoughts".

Once I took a fortress of stone,
But there was no one living sole,
I left the fortress and went hunting on lions.
I pulled the string of my bow,
But I heard the voice: "Don't kill me. I'm pregnant".
I threw away my weapon and decided to go away,
But the lioness jumped on me with her open mouth,
While it was strange I didn't resist.
Since then I turned into the lion.

- Tell me, jar, where can I find a rivulet?
- I don't know, ask the Thirst.
- Tell me, heart, where can I find a source of life?
- I don't know. I'm busy with it.

My lips met again - it's silence.
My palms met again - it's speech.
My legs crossed again - it's movement.

I was nowhere to go from my nonentity,
Then I told to the fishes of the ocean:
"Fishes, fishes, take me with you!"
Fishes left me in silence, paying no attention.

I was worried with the thirst of eternity,
I told the clouds in the sky:
"Clouds, clouds, take me with you to the ocean!"
But the clouds disappeared from the sky. I didn't see any drop of rain.

I became hungry because of my loneliness,
I told to the priest at the temple:
"Father, father, take me to the Paradise with you!"
The ship swam away with the white sails up and I sat down on a sand.

Once I was in the Paradise, it was funny there,
Everybody was dancing because of the fullness of knowledge,
I raised on hands in my sad dance,
Then I was send out from the Paradise forever.

- What's your name?
- A Man!
- What's your friend's name?
- A Kiss!
- What's the name of your Beloved?
- A Rose!

Happiness is a presence.
Sadness is an absence.
Life is amovement up and down.

Happiness is a main hand of the clock.
Sadness is a hand that shows minutes.
Life is a hand that counts seconds.
Clock is beauty.
And I am the Watchmaker.

I'm right here and you are far away from me.
I'm writing letters to you and you keep silence.
I wish to see you and you leave me without saying Good Bye.

I'm moving my rosary and I hear voices:
- Move, friend, move, move…
The string tore and screams:
- Aw, oh, ah-h-h….

Winter in the streets - snow is melting in the soul.
Spring on the fields - sprouts come out in my heart.
Summer above the sea - my ears are ringing.
Autumn in the forest - I saw a dream.

Clouds gathered on meeting - shouldn't they go back to the Ocean?
Just they started, the Sun appeared from the curtains.
Everybody went their homes.

Main Violin told others:
"You use my glory, but why are all of us called by the same name?"
They replied:
"But some time ago we were friends. Then why did everybody call you just a violin?"
"Then I was young and stupid."
"You wouldn't escape the old age, even the glory won't help you. You were born young and stupid, then die old and wise."

A flower told to a butterfly:
"Ow, thief, how much pollen you've taken from me and didn't say anything about my love!"
And butterfly said:
"Aw, lonely selfish person, I got my legs because of my love to you and you didn't recognize your love."


 Art constitutes  a subjective  aspect of  human  creativity,  science - an  objective one.

 In the interior  an artist and a  scientist sign  a peaceful  agreement for  ever!