Design Interior
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Digital photography

  Artyom G. Melconyan,
Born in 1966, 5-th October, Leninakan (Giumri) - Armenia.
Everything began in the Art school for children, 1977-1980.

  During further education I acquired a lot of trades connected with construction: painter, tile-layer, plasterer, joiner. I practised all these 3 years altogether.
  In 1987-1988 I took a preliminary course in V. Mukhina Higher Artistic Institute in St. Petersburg.
  In 1990 I enrolled at Yerevan Artistic Institute, the Department of Industrial Design. Graduated in 1996.
  Immediately after the studies active work in St. Petersburg began. I'll refer to only a few directions, which are the most interesting, in my opinion:

  * up to 1999 I was busy restoring murals and icons in Smolenskaya Church on Vasilyevsky Island. In the same period I did some restoration of antique paintings and furniture;

  * in 1999 I took part in designing and the realization of the interior of one of the five rooms in "The Travelling Bag" restaurant (Bolshaya Konnyushennaya St.);

  * in 2000 I designed and completed the interior of a hall in "The Griffin" cafe. In the same year I participated in decorating "The Six-th Corner" restaurant, in the design of which I did not take part;

  * in 2001 I took part in decorating "The Ginger Quiff" restaurant. In the same year I designed and completed the interior of a weekend house near St. Petersburg. It was one of the first full-scale independent interior design.

  *  in 2002 - "Pijon" restaurant; "Stervi" restaurant - New works.

  *  in 2003 - VIP-sauna. And two apartments - New works.

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 Art constitutes  a subjective  aspect of  human  creativity,  science - an  objective one.

 In the interior  an artist and a  scientist sign  a peaceful  agreement for  ever!