Design Interior
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" Daughters of the air "

 Tropical America, specially basin of the Amazon, and the warmest slopes of the Andes, differ by the extraordinary abundance of different sorts of orchids.
 Some orchids, inspite of relative dryness and ruthless rays of sun, raise on the rocky ledges. And, first of all, these flowers are, light-requiring and in search of the source they raise by the trunks of trees, avoiding dark low levels of the forest.
 The orchids propensity to the clarity makes the extraction of the sufficient amount of water and mineral substances difficult for them. Orchids does not have true roots, that feed them with humidity. And, as they are not parasites, they do not extract nutritious matters from the tree, on which they live. Orchids solve the problem of water shortage absorving atmospheric humidity of the forest, especially of the pluvial one. They absorb it with the help of aerial roots that hang freely. For that reason, Indians of the Amazon gave them poetical name "daughters of the air".

 Long time ago in the country of four parts of the world lived, enjoying their calm communication, Gods. Goddess Orchid stood out among them for her indescriptible beauty. The young goddess was the daughter of the God of honesty and the goddess of joy. She appreciated the light more than everything in her life. That is why she never noticed the shades of divine bodies, that fell on the Earth.
 In each movement Orchid saw only blind complete tenderness. Her eyes just could not notice rude and ugly, dark and monotonous things. She saw all the infinite range of colors, the limitless vibration of light.
 Some Gods accused Orchid of her abnormal Vision, shortage of wisdom, redundant kindness and false perception of reality. It lead to thedifference between Gods.
 A part of Gods accused mother of Orсchid, thinking, that the abundance of joy during the process of education in childhood is far from is conducive to the total spiritual evolution. Gods demanded, that in the education of soul included the elements of indifference both to joy and sadness. These Gods relied on the patriarchal principles of the planetary life. They propagandized such a sort of mental activity, in which the fragmentariness was pronounced surely like the bad thing. And only the integrity knowledge is the good one.
 After all, God-conservatives accused good Orchid of the ignorance, of absence of the wisdom. And one could not exist in the country of four parts of the world without sufficient amount of wisdom. The danger for Orchid's life appeared.
 The God-conservatives defended their position solidly, as, in opposite case, they could be accused of ignorance themselves.

 In divine world there is no talk on the subject of ignorance. And the hard fight exploded between powerful Gods for Orchid.
 The other part of Gods acted in defense of Orchid, justifying her special Vision like phenomenalism of progress, that promised the future broadening of space, that is going to be filled by new reserves of light.
 These liberal Gods explained the conduct of Orchid like the recognition of the wise indifference to rudeness and ugliness. They thought her to be the more spiritual essence. They tried to use image of Orchid like a destructive instrument, that could help them to annihilate the ignorance that infiltrated into the divine world.
 When Gods, divided on two parts, tried to isolate Orchid, one of young Gods fell in love with her good soul. He fell in love without seeing her. He only heard of her Vision of the ambient world. His name was Archi. He protected all the variety of arts.
 But his love did not promise luck and benevolence to him, because Orchid saw the world without shades, clarity without dark, line without color, air without clouds, rain without water.
 Orchid, as if she was blind, saw only her own inner world, and Archi could not teach art the men without recognition of hard lines. Because of his love to Orchid, he practically lost his masteries. It threaten him with exile from the divine world. But Archi could do nothing with his passion.
 When Orchid turned out to know about his love, she decided to meet him. But the Gods prohibited them to see each other before the end of philosophical trial over Orchid. But judicial debates lasted eternally.
  That moment Archi decided to use his capable masteries and agility. He captured Orchid from her divine jail. It was the unforgivable action in the world of Gods. One considered like the ignorance and direct violence. The punishment was the exile from the world of Gods.
 Archi was exiled from the country of four parts of the world forever. It meant eternal wandering over the forests and tears.
  When Orchid knew it out, she closed her eyes and sank into the eternal looking for her beloved. She turned into the forest flower.

  They say, that during the rainy season Orchid always wairs on her bright dresses.


 Art constitutes  a subjective  aspect of  human  creativity,  science - an  objective one.

 In the interior  an artist and a  scientist sign  a peaceful  agreement for  ever!