" Star of the mountain " |
The Andes of South America resemble to the skeleton of the human body, that is compared with the territory of America.
No other mountain system can compete with this monolithic wall. There is no other place in the world exept Tibet with such
an extensive plateaus. The Andes can be described like the mountain system, that consists of two parallel Andes:
one passes through the Pacific Ocean and another to the east of it.
The vast complex of plateaus of Andes, that includes space between Easten and Western Andes was named by
peruvians Altiplato. This zone as the island rises above coastal deserts, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, and the emerald
sea of the forests of the Amazon. In fact the Andes are scattered by volcanos. Here the earthquakes often happen and almost
all the cities, located in the Andes, once were eternally destroyed by the shocks. Some geologists
call the Andes "the scar on the terrestrial crust", scar, that has not closed yet.
In the zone of High Andes lives wonderful "star of mountains" the humming-bird.
It can be noticed on the mountain skirts, flying by like a lightning and humming. Its chest sparks, reflecting the rays
of the sun. It looks improbable in such hard conditions.
The food, which prefer mountainous humming-bird is the nectar of loasa. It is the herbaceous plant, dense beams
of which have calcined hairs, crowned by the scarlet flowers, filled by the nectar.
On the opinion of Indians, the nests of humming-birg have the magical force, that helps to fight against illnesses
of ewes. To the ill ewes, locked in the condemned hut, they ignite the bonfire of the nests of humming-bird and fumigate
all the premises. The Indians explain this belief by the fact that humming-birds use abnormal combination of medical grass,
building their nests.
Long time ago, when the spirit of Viracocha reigned over the divine Earth, Arc, the young herdsman lived.
He was always kind and attentive to his llamas. For that reason Viracocha loved him with special love and decided to show
him the beauty of goddess Patea, his dear daughter.
Once in mountains, where Arc grazed to his calm llamas, Patea appeared in front of him, covered by multicoloured
Arc did not have time to understand all the magnificence of the adorable goddess, he was put in confusion.
That very moment Patea said, that she had arrived to Arc to help him to find the true happiness, to fulfill the dream
of every mortal.
They sat on stones and Patea began her divine sentence:
"Good Arc, you must understand, that the most precious thing in life is joy. Many heard of it, but few know
that it means true joy. They think, that joy must warm up the soul as well as rays of the sun. But these rays can burn
the soul, turning it into the ash. It is the error of those, who hurry.
Other people think, that joy is similar to the moon, that reflects the light of the sun. This error is more dangerous,
so that the reflection of the light is not the light itself. It is the false theory.
You must have already intuited, that joy is the light.The sun and the stars reflect the light like the moon.
They are not true. They are only the round mirrors, watching in which you can see reflection.
The genuine light can be known with the closed eyes. As if you trip to the joy, that approaches to you.
Joy is always far from you, but you continue believe, that once you will catch this tender butterfly, that feeds itself
with your nectar and continually flies from you.
And so the joy settles down in your soul forever, you must follow all its conditions.
The joy survives where the beauty reigns. The joy is the reflection of the beauty.
If you worry too much about joy, you destroy beauty in your soul. That is why instead of the excitations
it is better to look for means of liberation of them.
I go to clear you a secret, how one can free from the excitations of the joy. It is very simply? You must look for a man,
whom you will be able to bring till the maximum of excitations in his joy. The main thing is that at this moment you must
be calm yourself , otherwise you will not be able to help him to free from the waves of the joy little after.
When the sun puts down, the moon appears. It is the infinite process, no minute without the presence of the joy exists.
When your beloved feels tired of the abundance of the joy, you do not have to grieve, but rejoice by little doses.
Great and small joy both reflect the light."
When Patea finished her sentence, the gigantic condor arrived flying. She sat on his back and flew in the dirrection
of Milky Way.
After the communication with the magnificent goddess, Arc could not spend a minute of his life without thoughts
of her presence. He forgot even of his llamas, hut, everything. He thought of Patea, of the way to find her.
For the first time in his life he thought of the necessity to bring joy to somebody. He wanted to bring it to Patea.
But he was doomed to eternal torments, because he was mortal and imperfect, and Patea was the goddess.
He could never bring her to the maximum, because they were not equal. Arc did not think to undertake the way
of self-perfection, with the hope to become equal to the goddess. He abdicated from himself eternally and dedicated
his life to looking for Patea.
Arc wandered by the unaccessible tops of the Andes. Everywhere he looked for Patea. He made an effort
to spend more time with people to know, if somebody had seen Patea.
But everyone decided that he became crazy. Soon they started to be scared and did't let him enter their towns.
Arc was marginalized by his countrymen, nobody wanted to comunicate with him. In spite of his great desire
he could not gladden people anymore. That moment Arc understood, that he could make happy only to Patea. But the
problem was, how to reach her through Milky Way, from where only spirits return on Earth?
Arc understood, that the problem was in his imperfect body. It does not know to fly. How could he make
his weak and exhausted body better? Arc did not know the answer, he was alone. No man could help him.
Once, when he slept in the forest, Patea appeared in his visions. She said, that the secret of the perfection
of the body is in the red flower. Arc must look for this flower. And to find the exact flower he needs, he must taste
the nectar of every flower. The red flower is going to give him the new Vision, and he will be able to see Patea everywhere.
When he awoke, he began to look for it. He crossed all mountains and flats, he tasted the aroma of each plant.
Arc began to understand clearly that his body becomes useless and absurd. What is it for if the small butterfly
reaches the nectar of the flowers without barriers? He began to dream of the flight.
One Indian shaman counted, that once Arc transformed into small humming-bird, to find surely the red flower,
that will show him the image of Patea, or he just opened her image inside himself before transforming
into the "mountainous star"?
Few can notice the beautiful arabesques, that humming-bird draws during it's flight . They say that it is the
effect of the red flower.